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Love is the truth
of who you are
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I am a psycho-spiritual counsellor and coach. I practise a love-centred approach to healing and personal growth. Healing is a return to love - to healthy self-love - to that sense of wholeness we once knew without even thinking about it.


My approach is based on a vision of ourselves as basically loving and loveable ... a world view that says love is essentially what we are made of. We cannot lose what we are made of, but we can - and do - lose sight of it. This experience of separation from who we really are is our collective human wound and pretty much our 'normal' way of being - until we see ourselves clearly again ...


'Love is our natural state. Everything else is forgetting.'

- Robert Holden


Painful separation is usually triggered when something ‘goes wrong’ in our lives. At some stage we experience emotional upsets, displacements and challenges, maybe even shocks, traumas and abuses. 'Shit happens' ... and when it does it can have deep and difficult consequences. It is when things go wrong that we may lose sight of ourselves as loving and lovable. Our self-image is damaged, and the inner critic appears. This critical voice then begins to influence the course of our lives, and over the years holds us back from realising and living the truth of who we are. Real happiness and fulfilment elude us. Much of this happens unconsciously, and much of what we do is unconscious sabotage, but most of us know when we feel dislocated from ourselves even if we feel unable to do something about it.


I help people who would love to be happy, who want life to flow through them, and who want clarity about who they are in the world. You may feel something important - even vital - is missing in your life. You may suffer from self-doubt, have relationship problems, or feel dissatisfied with your work. You may have experienced loss, trauma and abuse. Or maybe you have a serious or chronic illness, and find yourself struggling to recover. Perhaps you’ve tried 'everything’ but you're still suffering ...


All stories are welcome, as is your willingness to heal and grow.

My Counselling Approach

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